Beta update: Magical mystery tour
Our Questonomy experts have been sorely vexed recently, shouting into their speaking tubes about magical item value propositions and current vs amortised earning potentials. Generally we have no idea what they’re saying at the best of times, but they sure seem to be excited about the new dungeons that the Explorers Guild has discovered right […]
Beta update: screw you, monks
The gods are at it again. This time, they’re demanding more worship in exchange for boons, presumably because they feel like they’re being taken for granted or something. The Ministry has blamed this whole divine mess on a bunch of showboating Monks achieving enlightenment and promptly murdering everything in sight, so they’re sending the smarmy […]
Beta update: Die, snakes, die!
Descending into a deadly hole in the ground is dangerous enough even with all of the right equipment, but a few dodgy merchants here and there can really make an adventurer’s life absolutely miserable. In response to recent news of fake Viper Wards and Soul Orbs flooding the market, the Kingdom has clamped down on […]
New beta update: curious things are afoot
Greetings, noble Kingdom Administrator! It’s an interesting time in the life of our ever-growing realm. Travellers regularly stop by the local tavern to regale stories of fabulous treasures hidden around the capital. Adventurers of all kinds are working themselves into a frenzy seeking out powerful artifacts such as the epic Tri-Sword, the berserker blade Whurrgarbl and […]
New Desktop Dungeons version detected!
Another day, another Halfling Priest mercilessly slaughters his way through otherwise innocent undead while we lob more bug-fixes at you (actually we just couldn’t find a better image, so this is the next best thing). The fixes should start coming a little slower next week, letting us get back to delivering more delicious content… That’s […]
Desktop Dungeons Beta updates begin!
So, after an exceedingly entertaining weekend and a tense release period in which several things we’d rather not mention collided with air-redistribution devices, it’s time for the first update to the beta. Which should have happened utterly seamlessly – all you need to do is keep playing Desktop Dungeons and next time you access game […]
Whoops, we’ll be right back …
(Update: The mail should be out by now. If you’re still having problems, please let us know!) Please note: if your beta access is reporting errors either with a chunk of e-mails or unavailable password logins, don’t worry, this is supposed to happen. … well, not SUPPOSED to happen, but basically you’re in the […]
The Desktop Dungeons beta is here!
Hi there, folks! As of right now, the Desktop Dungeons Unity beta is open to everyone who pre-ordered the game. It comes with a fully functional Kingdom manager, an actual quest progression system and a nice heap o’ content to get you started. We hope you have a great time with what’s on offer so […]
Beta’s nearly ready!
We’re pushing really hard to get the Desktop Dungeons beta ready for all of you awesome pre-order players by Monday. Keep up to date with our progress via the #DDbetaPush hashtag on Twitter and watch as our sanity ebbs away over the course of the weekend.
Switching servers… BRB LOL
Our poor server has been straining under the weight of the new site, our payment system and all the back-end stuff that’s supporting development as the beta inches closer and closer to being ready to throw at the world. There’s almost no way it’s going to stand up to the hammering it’s going to get […]