Hail, players! This week was another bug cycle (admittedly cleaning up most of the problems that were introduced by last week’s update). The good news is that we’ve also addressed some grey areas that previously weren’t favouring players, making them kinder and more accessible for players struggling in earlier parts of the game.
Tutorials should be operating properly again, and struggling players will note our attempts to soften the blow of death and make light of their defeats in a positive and occasionally poetic manner. People tearing their hair out towards the end-game will also be relieved to hear that you may now pick exactly which trophy you take out of a dungeon run — but choose wisely, because it’s still just a one-monster allowance!
This week’s blog image is a collection of the double-sized trophy graphics that were drawn up to make the trophy drop panel look a bit better, so you can ogle them at your leisure the next time you hit a dungeon. Changelog follows:
- Monster trophies now have double size graphics in panel interactions.
- Backpack items that are carried out of the dungeon are now available to prep/locker.
- Fixed a problem with gold limit being reached as gold limit increases.
- Fixed a bug that could cause unity to crash when returning from a dungeon.
- Fixed a bug that could cause unity to crash with very long words.
- Fixed a bug that allowed undiscovered gods to be prepared.
- Fixed a bug where preps tooltips were showing up while invisible.
- Fixed a bug where quitting during a tutorial could lock a player out of progressing.
- Fixed a bug where advisor title was above building tooltips.
- Only appropriate buildings now highlight during race/class/preparation selection.
- Garden Shears down to +5 hp.
- Reviving enemies don’t show XP projections.
- Effect added for enemies afflicted by Zot.
- Tutorials no longer visit intermediate score screen.
- New death messages.
- Shifting Passages now referred to as Shifting Passages.
- SmackleFunky’s repeat messages fixed.
- “H” should no longer appear in one lump sum for advanced profiles.
- PROTECT.EXE badge no longer triggers if death protection is already in place.
- Bloodmage description in Mage Tower fixed.
- Players may now pick which trophy they take out of a dungeon.
- Fixed some issues with the potion prep buttons.
- Changed race, class and prep selection buttons on Kingdom screen.